Yume wa yume de owatte kure Hi! Otaku! Please! (Please! Anyone can just die! Takafumi Sato Urya oi! Yo Say Yo Say This might, might be a chance to attend, right, right!? Composer Good girl, good girl Otaku! Onegai! If I quit being an idol, I wouldn't like it, *cries*[15] On CALL----!!! With everyone!!) OTAHEN Anthem (OTAHEN アンセム, OTAHEN Anthem?) いいこいいこ Minna ga boku no aidoru da! This dream will end as just a dream バイトバイトバイト Zettai? 最前管理 すればいいじゃん (daisuko? Aidoru yametara suki janai pien All of you Otakus-! Ta-da!
Fufuu! Otaku soro kamoon! やっぱりりあむはかわいいよ (なになに) My heart doesn't want to die! Dd nante uwaki manman Ii ko ii ko Tsunagari taijou
Baito baito baito This is life's easy mode, tarararatta
誰もが タヒんでくれ Buruu! Why don't you be the "true love" type? Hi! Hi! So eaaaasssy!!!
Y'all gotta change your oshi[5] anyways Oshi wa toutoi THE seigi OTAHEN Anthem then debuted in THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS STARLIGHT STAGE, and can be unlocked by completing episode 60 of the main story.
Futsuu! Onegai! OTAHEN Anthem (OTAHEN アンセム, OTAHEN Anthem?) Wooo, Changeee!!! Sekai de ichiban aishiteru Urya oi!
You're the one I love the most in this world (だいすこ? クッソすこ?) This dream doesn't end as just a dream ムリムリ!
Otaku! Sukoo!
俺が生まれてきた理由 (なになに)
Otaku! Unreasonable requests? Otaku! Amayakashite
Huge-rage! Douse boku ni no no jinken
[14] I finally found my princess (wait, what?) Just kidding Arranger May or may not still have an oshimen. Small talk, then leave[2] どうせ推し変 みんなすんじゃん AB! Singin' with hoarse throat Passion! (Noo!)
Performer(s) Naritai narenai Part-time, part-time, part-time Infidelity is? Sutanpu roguin kyanpeen Song Information (yume wa yume de owarasenai) (fuu!)
期待なんてしないけど 「会いたい」って願ってくれて [3] [10] Orange! Hi! Muda no muda demo waraitai Yatto mitsuketa ohimesama (nani nani) Fuwa fuwa fuwa fuwa! Chihiro-sa~n chihiro-sa~n せーの! Otaku! FuFuu! THE IDOLM@STER Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Take a photo and hug 無駄の無駄でも笑いたい
Onegai! 人生イーシーモード タラララッタ
Shinde kure "Aitai" tte negatte kurete Nade nade nade nade nade nade
Right now I don't wanna wake up from a dream Otaku!
Chekitte hagutte Honey (honey)
アイドル! Urya oi! one chance, meaning an action is possible. 14 それからの名無しP:2020-06-30 16:42:11 ID:MzljZjJk 名曲だと思う 掛け値なしに
チヤホヤ チヤホヤヤ Passhon! Urya oi: a common way of doing calls at idol lives. Un call----!!! Murimuri! 誰でも良いから 人権ください Wooo chenjiiii!!! Tekubi o kakete yubikiri (genman!) (Love me? Gachi-koi o sureba ii jan うん CALLーーーー!!! なでなで なでなで なでなで This part is the most common speech Gachi-kois say to their favorite idols, known as the gachi-koi koujou (ガチ恋口上). かわいいポーズ! (ふー!) Seeno! ガチ恋: lit. Ripoobii! Urya oi! That girl, that girl, that girl Hi! (Noo!) Muchaburi joutou Omae jouzu! Shinitakunai) Dare mo ga shinde kure They don't even look at me anyways Let's get hyped together!! Not like I have any human rights anyways Yo say yo say I wanna be her, but I can't be her すこすこだいすこやっぱすこ (なになに) Fawning, fawning, fawning Paopaopaopao shouronpou Yo Say, Yo Say Cool! I love you!! ぴえん: internet slang, basically means "crying (or almost crying) due to happiness and sadness", or simply just "crying but cutely". DDなんて 浮気まんまん (With everyone!?
One, two! No way, no way! Aidoru janai THE munou でっかい!ふつう!たぶんふつう! うん CALLーーーー!!! is one of Riamu Yumemi's image songs that made it's debut on THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER 057. Panpapapapanpan yossha, minna de-! Pink! Hanii (hanii)
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