Run System File Checker Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, and then navigate to the level you want to manage.

The variable /deliveryMethod:network configures IIS to deliver e-mail messages immediately. Press Close when installation is complete.

If your relay server will be sending outbound email via TLS, you’ll need to confirm the certificate is seen by the IIS SMTP Server and enable TLS encryption.

You have successfully installed the SMTP server at this point. password: string set a basic authentication user name and password.

For this example, the IP address will be added to the relay restrictions. Next, click on the Delivery tab, click on Outbound Security (1), check the TLS encryption (2) box, click OK (3). At this point, your SMTP Server should be configured and ready to begin relaying mail. Go to Start –> Run and type in inetmgr6 and hit Enter. I’ll also be assuming you are logged into the server as an administrator. If all is well, you should be able to open the certificate and see the Valid From field is current and there is a private key associated with the certificate.

We covered setting up both a non-TLS and TLS SMTP server using a combination of the GUI and PowerShell. This IP address belongs to a computer that is within the same network as the server. Note that you must have IIS installed before enabling SMTP. Then type in the IP address (1) you’d like to allow then click OK (2). Open the Php.ini file, and find the entry: Note that the default value is localhost, so there is no need to change this if SMTP is installed locally.

Kindly follow the below steps.

You can skip this step if your Office 365 SMTP relay is non-TLS. Confirm that the certificate is found by the SMTP service. When IIS SMTP Server is installed, it will create a folder on the server at C:\inetpub\mailroot\Pickup.

Check logs and remove patches.

Microsoft IIS can serve the role of an SMTP quite nicely but requires quite a few steps to get set up.

Mail can be delivered immediately, or it can be delivered to a file location on disk where it can be retrieved for delivery later. In the Properties window, check Enable logging (1), then click Properties (2).

Run the file at

If defaultCredentials is set to True, Kerberos or NTLM are used if the server supports these protocols. On the Access tab of the SMTP Server properties, you should see a message stating “A TLS certificate is found with expiration date: XXXXXX”. Hi help me please when I write inetmgr the message is (windows cannot find inetmgr, Please restart the computer and try again .

Go to the Advanced tab, and check all the boxes in the list (1), then click OK (2).

Install the IIS SMTP Server Windows Feature. You can see which server or IP addresses are allowed to connect to the server. Open Server Manager by right-clicking on My Computer, and selecting Manage. You should now test sending email through the SMTP relay to confirm the receiving SMTP server gets the message. Now save this file somewhere other than the pickup directory as mail.txt. thanks, The variable /network.hoststring specifies the host used for SMTP transactions. For example, a company can provide an e-mail link for sending feedback messages or for requesting information. This means that the SMTP service has picked it up and has started processing the message. error code: 0x80073701

Open up a PowerShell console and copy/paste the code below. To configure SMTP e-mail to store e-mails in a file location on disk for later delivery by an application, such as an ASP.NET application, or by a user, such as an administrator, use the following syntax: The variable from string is the e-mail address of the sender. If successful, the file should quickly disappear. Installing the SMTP Server feature removes a lot of point and clicking. (Alternately, open Control Panel, click on Programs and Features, and then select Turn Windows features on or off.).

The first task you’ll need to do to get an IIS SMTP relay set up is to install the IIS SMTP Server. Technically, we will use this SMTP relay to relay email to Office 365; it can just as quickly work for any general SMTP relay mail delivery purposes. To do this, follow these steps: Locate SMTP Virtual Server Properties.

Also, ASP.Net developers will be looking to enable IIS in the first place as IIS is required to host ASP.NET. Back in the Relay Restrictions window, confirm that the IP address is added to the list, then click OK (1) and OK out of the properties window. You may also add your server IP address to the list.

I don't see the SMTP service.

Depending on how you configured the relay server above, you can use either example below to test a non-TLS or TLS setup.

On the Properties page, open the Access tab, and then click on Connection.

Click OK to accept the options, and then click Apply and OK to return to the main page of the IIS Manager.


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