3. 2. Also, the XP-Pen menu correctly identifies Artist 12 as Monitor 2. Click Setup.

1. a-2. If you can see the “HDI-compliant digitizer” and can use the pen stylus to control the cursor, please go to the XP-Pen website and download and install the latest driver. If you cannot find it, please reconnect the tablet. Please open your system tray and open the driver application. The XPPEN support team should replace it if its still under warranty (1 year from purchase date). Please uninstall the graphic tablet or graphic tablet monitor driver then reboot. Press J to jump to the feed. How to solve G430, G540, G640, 05, 06, Deco 01, Artist 13.3 & 15.6 can't use stylus to control cursor or pen pressure issue. Cookies help us deliver our Services. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Please help me with this issue. a-4. 1.

I connected all the cable and able to control the mouse with the pen but when i open the driver, it keep saying “Can’t detect the tablet, please plug it into then open the driver again”. Cookies help us deliver our Services. FAQ /

Yet when I check the card settings, both cards have those two backwards. then reboot, when system goes to the desktop try to test your pen stylus again. If you can’t see it in the task manager, please go to C:Program FilesPentablet folder then right click on PentabletService.exe and “Run as administrator” then test your pen stylus again. 3. If you can’t find it, please go to C:Program FilesPentablet folder then right click on Pentablet.exe and “Run as administrator” then check for the tablet icon in the system tray.

If you can’t find it, please go to C:Program FilesPentablet64 folder then right click on “install_hiddriver.bat” and “Run as administrator” then reboot, when system goes to the desktop try to test your pen stylus again. 4. 6. Visit the XP-Pen website to view the product FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) to see if any apply to your issue. A place where XP-Pen users can help each others. The Display works and the pencil also but i cant start the driver. I contacted the support team and after a lot of tests, they told me the tablet is faulty and I need to bring it to the nearest store to get it fixed or replaced it but I haven’t had the chance to do it yet so I don’t really know if it’s going to fix the issue.

Please go to device manager and look for. Is there anyway to fix this problem? Hello just recently bought an XP Pen 13.3 Pro. b-2. then check for the tablet icon in the system tray. I reboot the laptop after downloaded the driver but it still doesn’t work, it keep telling me the tablet can’t be detect. 4. Get newest updates, invitations and offers directly. I live in the US. If the icon shows up, please open it then test your pen stylus’ pen pressure.

By continuing browsing this website, we assume you agree our use of cookies and. Copyright ©2020 XPPen Technology CO.All Rights Reserved. Make sure computer login account is Administrator authority. If you are still unable see this device, please contact us at XP-Pen.


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