IMDb: 7.6. It was a bit melodramatic for my taste, but it had an undeniable charm and a pure-hearted intent that was hard to resist. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.

I wasn't as head-over-heels for Shinkai's last film, Your Name, as everyone else seemed to be, but I still enjoyed its unabashed, cosmic take on teen romance. I was so emotionally destroyed that I saw the entire anime three times on …

It is still a very good movie though, but I think it won't top "your name" success.. Support

With Tokyo's unusual weather in mind, Hodaka sees the potential of this ability. Not uncommon to Japanese movies. However, there is a price to pay to get the sunshine back ... Amidst this seemingly eternal downpour arrives the runaway high school student Hodaka Morishima, who struggles to financially support himself—ending up with a job at a small-time publisher. There’s a “Taiwanese Wave” in global culture, spanning film, television and music — and the Taiwan Creative Content Agency is helping drive it. KissAnime Review: Weathering with You is the most beautiful animes of year 2019 It is a pleasure for me to have a good anime, a few intelligent speakers, and these collective speeches reveal the central idea of the anime. If you want an app, go to r/AnYme. Tokyo is currently experiencing rain showers that seem to disrupt the usual pace of everyone living there to no end. With Tokyo’s unusual weather in mind, Hodaka sees the potential of this ability. Amidst this seemingly eternal downpour arrives the runaway high school student Hodaka … “From the First Mile to the Last Stage,” said TAICCA chairperson Hsiao-Ching Ting, “TAICCA designs multiple systems and platforms to maximize global opportunities for great stories from Taiwan.”. I am glad that we can see it in American movie theaters next year. Clues are sprinkled throughout the story but fail to explain why Hodaka runs away from home, why Tokyo is raining non-stop, or why a magical light beam appears at the beginning of the film. The program extends to the 2020 Taiwan Creative Content Fest. As crucial partners in Taiwan’s diverse content development, TAICCA and its official partner GagaOOLala also joined forces to co-organize the “2020 GOL SUMMIT x GPS” on Nov. 16 and 17. Weathering with You is a 2019 Japanese animated romantic fantasy film written and directed by Makoto Shinkai.

After a masterpiece such as Your Name and other beautiful works of Shinkai, I had high expectations of Weathering with you. He suggests that Hina should become a "sunshine girl"—someone who will clear the sky for people when they need it the most. Blue sky (aozora) is what everyone's heart desires when it kept raining and raining in Tokyo. see the thug trying to lead her into his nightclub. IMDb: 7.6. Genre: Adventure, Animation, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Actors: Chieko Baisho, Kotaro Daigo, Nana Mori, Ryohei Kimura, Sakura Kiryu, Sei Hiraizumi, Shun Oguri, Sumi Shimamoto, Tsubasa Honda, Yuki Kaji, Your email address will not be published. Pandora Box 11 Add Games,

It's much more grounded and is its own unique thing involving a much more realistic narrative and a fresh MC backstory/internal struggle.

The animation far surpasses Your Name, the voice acting brought out all the emotions the characters were meant to fell during the movie, the ending satisfied every desire I wished for. FAQ I know I would.

Then one day, Hodaka meets Hina on a busy street corner.

External Reviews Subsequently, Hodaka discovers that Hina has a strange yet astounding power: the ability to call out the sun whenever she prays for it.

The summer of his high school freshman year, Hodaka runs away from his remote island home to Tokyo, and quickly finds himself pushed to his financial and personal limits. Fastest Rap Of Logic, All the links are provided by the third parties; and the rights belong to their respected owners as stated in DMCA. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Through this fund, projects developed by local and international partners, as well as original proposals developed in collaboration with international platforms, will receive up to $300,000 in grants. The soundtrack is incredible, the sounds are ambient, story is spectacularly immersive and beautiful! Your email address will not be published. I'll start with the animation and visualization in this anime, it's better than "your name", and it captures the metropolitan culture of tokyo's Japanese people very well, though i miss the depiction of japan traditional culture and rural area in this movie. I love everything about Weathering with you, I was captivated throughout although I barely watch anime now I wanna see more.

All Mara Skins Cod, Lintika Films has recently made a proof of concept short film that they are shopping around Hollywood. If you want to appeal a Disqus ban, go to the Discord server.

At least in my country, the movie was hyped a lot and was aired in the biggest IMAX cinemas pushing out Hollywood movies in favour of Weathering With You. Deku Tree Botw,

Before she vanishes, she asks Hodaka if he would like the rain to stop.

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Press J to jump to the feed. There's no anime movie out there the same as this, it feels fresh and individual. “Mandarin-speaking series are on the rise and prospering in recent years,” said Golden Horse Film Festival Executive Committee CEO Tien-Hsiang Wen, “so our Film Project Promotion adds series into the mix for the first time, with 40 wonderful entries. Given the fact that it went on to become the highest-grossing anime of all time in Japan, I guess you can't blame the guy for trying to capture the same magic with his follow up. 5. If you guys are asking for the visual review, there's no doubt that this is a masterpiece. It is a combination of 2D and 3D stop-motion animation and it is…, KissAnime Review: For me, this anime is one of the best anime released in the year 2011.

No, the new "KissAnime" you found is not real and is likely a phishing site. This movie doesn't quite add up to the qualities that Kimi has. Shinkai felt as though Your Name wasn't a finished masterpiece yet it was too late to change anything, although being a hit of 2016. these contrast is so beautiful. The art style is breathtaking, sound track is one of the best I've heard in a movie.

While it’s a recurring theme for Shinkai to portray a romance between young lovers who are separated by time or dimension, the love between Hodaka and Hina is unconvincing. TAICCA has launched several initiatives to connect Taiwanese content to buyers and now it is taking even bolder steps.

She's a perpetual traveler who finds story ideas while roaming the planet. Almost all of the Makoto Shinkai's movie is a masterpiece, but 'Weathering With You' is on the different level from the previous movies. If you want to listen to J-pop, check out Watch Weathering With You (Tenki no Ko) English Subbed full episode at kissanimefree. The story still has a hidden message about extreme weather, but I still can't spoil too much, so here's the conclusion:


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