}, Last but not least, have fun working with the UiPath Platform, and remember to share your knowledge with others, on the forum. Trouvez plus d'informations ici. “@odata.count”: 1, The issue occurs whenever the RDP connection to the Robot machine is lost. “Info”: “Job completed”, “StopStrategy”: null, Here receptionist will act as the intermediary as API, this is what an API will do.

“RobotEnvironments”: ” string “, To avoid this, generate different files for Robots and unique user IDs. “value”: [ To avoid this error, sign off all the RDP connections on the Robot machine. When you install and use a mobile app, the mobile app connects to the Internet and sends data to a server. ******************************************END**************************************, Create a queue and push the items into the Queue, Get the Environment, Process, Robots, Queue, Jobs details and So on…, Get all the Robots data from Orchestrator, Get the all the Process from Orchestrator, Get the all the Releases from Orchestrator. Si le nom d'utilisateur du Robot se trouve dans un domaine, il doit être au format domain\username. Orchestrator is the heart of your automation management. “Info”: “string”, “Source”: “Manual”, “RobotId”: 0, “@odata.count”: 3, But still no luck getting same error. A.

“EndTime”: “2019-11-11T15:29:21.497Z”, “Id”: 130220, “Description”: “Generate Yearly Report”, UiPath Orchestrator est une application Web qui gère, contrôle et surveille les robots d'UiPath Robot qui exécutent des processus métier répétitifs. Not sure why I am getting error in response. “ReleaseVersionId”: 492076, What is API? Find here more details on the matter and how to mitigate it. 7 4 4 bronze badges. “Output”: null

“InputArguments”: null, Importing Users from the Active Directory, How the Connection Between the Robot and Orchestrator Works, Publishing a Project to Orchestrator from Studio, Setting Up Auto Login for Users Under an Active Directory Group, Setting Up Windows Server for High-Density Robots, About Database Migration from 2016.1 to 2016.2, Finding the Installed .NET Framework Version, Creating an Index Pattern to Connect to Elasticsearch, Using a Certificate for the HTTPS Protocol. Processes created before 2018.3 depend on the legacy UI Automation package, namely Core.Activities.

“Name”: “string”, “CredentialPassword”: “string”, “KeyValueList”: [ “Description”: “”, “BatchExecutionKey”: “string”, “IsActive”: false,

“BoolValue”: false, “@odata.count”: 2, “CanBeDeleted”: true,

“StartingScheduleId”: null, “ProcessKey”: “Generate_Yearly_Report”, ] The server is restarted in Internet Information Services (IIS). “ReleaseNotes”: null, “Arguments”: { Remove the legacy Core.Activities package from any custom feed before trying to execute the process again. { Authorization With Bearer token { “ExternalName”: null, “Source”: “Manual”, “ReleaseNotes”: null, } “ReleaseNotes”: null, Note: All examples have been built using the https://platform.uipath.com Orchestrator address. } “OutputArguments”: “{}”, And the HTTP Request activity needs in-depth study of the API requests body.

“HasMediaRecorded”: false, https://cloud.uipath.com/odata/Sessions This is caused by an external issue. You must delete the 2018.3.6864.20598 version of the UiPath.Core.Activities dependency from the following locations: C. If Studio/Robot v2018.3.1 was NOT previously installed, and the 18.3.6864.20582 version of UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities package is not deployed locally or on your Orchestrator feed, then you can upgrade to v2018.3.2 without any risks. UiPath Orchestrator est une application Web qui gère, contrôle et surveille les robots d'UiPath Robot qui exécutent des processus métier répétitifs. } “@odata.context”: ” {{url}}/odata/$metadata#Processes”, Hi,


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