(37.3 %, rank 8/41 , 2019) Download Indicator The proportion of 25-34 year-olds who have attained a general degree at the upper secondary or post-secondary level is one of the lowest among OECD and partner countries with available data. Recurrent Education: A Strategy for Lifelong Learning, 1973. The E-mail message field is required. (DE). The series is intended both to describe existing educational practice with regard to continuing education and to attempt an estimation of future developments in the field. The educational changes implied by recurrent education are inseparable from wider social changes. The authors conclude that the concept of recurrent education requires clarification and that the costing of proposals for recurrent education should be undertaken. The report on recurrent education in Denmark is one of a series describing continuation education in OECD member countries. Recurrent education : policy and development in OECD member countries : New Zealand Format: Book Responsibility: W. L. Renwick Language: English Published: The educational changes implied by recurrent education are inseparable from wider social changes. Please enter recipient e-mail address(es). Please enter the message. This report, part of a series on the state of recurrent education in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member countries, focuses on recurrent education in Sweden. Recurrent Education: Policy and Development in OECD Member Countries.

Recurrent Education, Policy and Development in OECD Countries: The Swedish View of Recurrent Education. Chapter II describes reforms and reform proposals at the secondary and higher education levels. Centre for Educational Research and Innovation. Learn more ››. Intended as a means of liberating individuals from the education-work-leisure-retirement sequence, recurrent education provides freedom to mix and alternate these phases of life within the limits of the socially possible.

The second chapter, Continuing Occupational Training as an Intermediate Stage between Innovation and the Reproduction of Existing Social Patterns, describes the steps which have been taken toward establishing a pattern of alternating periods of work and training. The Education of the Handicapped Adolescent: Integration in the School, 1981 and Disabled Youth: from School to Work, 1991. Recurrent education is an alternative educational planning strategy, the purpose of which is to provide opportunities for alternate post secondary education with other activities throughout life. After a short introduction, section 2 outlines the various models of recurrent education in Sweden. The report on recurrent education in Denmark is one of a series describing continuation education in OECD member countries. Cantor, Leonard M. This paper aims to give a brief account of the present provision of education in the United Kingdom which can in some way be characterized as reflecting the principles of recurrent education. http:\/\/www.worldcat.org\/oclc\/911425484>. OECD (1973). (Author/DB). Centre for Educational Research and Innovation. 0 with reviews - Be the first. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2001-2020 OCLC. Policy and Development in Oecd Member Countries:Australia.. [Christopher Duke; Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris (France). The subject field is required. Policy and Development in Oecd Member Countries:Australia. Centre for Educational Research and Innovation.

In the development of recurrent education as a policy strategy there is hardly a single point at which one can firmly state that “this system is now a system of recurrent education.” The development of recurrent education has always been closely tied to the social and economic trends and changes within countries. Chapter V identifies key elements of a strategy for recurrent education as reapportionment of finances, public awareness, reform of upper-secondary education, creation of experimental programs, offering of courses at places of work, and establishment of loans with income-related repayment.

# Recurrent Education. The first part of the document briefly. The OECD's work on education helps individuals and nations to identify and develop the knowledge and skills that drive better jobs and better lives, generate prosperity and promote social inclusion.


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