0000011010 00000 n 0000596583 00000 n "d��8e*qy8e|�A��]�⢃/��8�r����lA����7�Q�{�"W�Q[� r�m���u��~��pdG��L�������(���8���bD��5���w�[_���z�YL��x֙g7�/HK��ty� 0000596369 00000 n google_ad_channel ="2154566617"; 0000531932 00000 n I've got to work very unsociable hours. 0000419825 00000 n 0000014716 00000 n 0000489017 00000 n A la forme négative, don't have to ou doesn't have to traduisent l'absence d'obligation.
You can eat it cold too. Les exemples vous aident à traduire le mot ou l’expression cherchés dans des contextes variés. More activities on the Eclectic English Home Page. 0000413048 00000 n 0000489184 00000 n have to, don't have to, must, mustn't (1). there is no need to do it. 0000559304 00000 n 0000012967 00000 n
1 We has to / have to answer the questions. 0000579772 00000 n 0000411471 00000 n 0000596046 00000 n I don't have to get up early at weekend. 2 Emma has to / have to go to the studio. Mustn't est utilisé pour dire à quelqu'un qu'il ne faut pas faire quelque chose. Do, does, don't ou doesn't Complétez les phrases avec do, does, don't, ou doesn't. 0000411376 00000 n I do not have to get up early. 0000563459 00000 n trailer 0000488090 00000 n 0000559479 00000 n Plus efficace. startxref google_color_text = "000000"; google_ad_client = "pub-6676379291085385"; 0000505947 00000 n Désolé, je ne peux pas venir, je dois finir mon travail d'abord. google_color_url = "0000FF"; Ils ne sont ni sélectionnés ni validés par nous et peuvent contenir des mots ou des idées inappropriés. Résultats: 4949. Désolé, je ne peux pas venir avec vous, je dois me laver les cheveux. xref 0000595931 00000 n Example: I wear a pullover. 0000547144 00000 n
Explanation. I haven't got to work at weekends. 0000489399 00000 n Tip! Grammar reference and practice exercises for learners of English as a second language.
Modaux : Permission/obligation/possibilité. google_color_border = "CC6600"; Les traductions vulgaires ou familières sont généralement marquées de rouge ou d’orange. 0000490283 00000 n (It is a rule.) 0000411243 00000 n You mustn't tell lies. Does she have to get up early? Created by: Nikita Kovalyov google_ad_format = "300x250_as"; 0000564747 00000 n 0000540657 00000 n Exercise. 0000595815 00000 n ex : I know you don't like that medicine, but the doctor says you have to take it. positives, negatives and questions with have to / have got to and don't have to / haven't got to. have to & don't have to - How to Form Positives; Negatives; and Questions, Should and Shouldn't - When to use and how to use. have to & don't have to - How to Form Positives; Negatives; and Questions. With have got to negatives and questions are formed differently. �f���"5V have to has to don't have to doesn't have to : 8. 0000532336 00000 n 3�Z`ͪ./���b�7Is�c~��ai1M���[pl'9N�)�Jz���W��v�o&��&��Eg��礨����Q���y��l;�L��hM��*�snhbC��]V"t�aSm��v�-ѭ�˘51 �ԣ���>�P7��Rj:5.���!ղ��U�Vt'���gj��8��S�f��nSmp12\�$N�K�p�o81�G?�v� ���Qqc���T���"��ۀ���f��Xx�K� �kw Use contractions where possible. 0000413579 00000 n She has to get up early. (Now I stay in bed until lunchtime.). (It is very bad to tell lies.) 0000488277 00000 n
Does your father have to travel a lot at his job? I did not have to get up early. 0000536632 00000 n 0000548453 00000 n Negative You . 0000005430 00000 n 0000488037 00000 n 0000596491 00000 n 0000487109 00000 n google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; 0000546454 00000 n a) have to b) has to: c) don't have to d) doesn't have to: 5.
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