Use pre_get_posts instead of new WP_Query() when possible, because this minimizes queries against the WordPress database. If we are, it modifies the page’s default query to pull in not only Posts, but also Courses. What a WP_Query Is Replace ‘the_custom_pt’ with the name of your custom post type. etc etc etc. So pre_get_posts is useful when it’s best not to write a new query, but to change one that already exists. Note: If using conditional tags, use the method versions within the passed instance (e.g. WordPress’s default queries are extremely important: they’re the queries that fetch the most recent Posts for your blog index, all Posts of a specific category for a Category archive page, all posts from a specific month for a month-based archive page, search results for a search page, and so on. One modified database query will process a lot quicker than two completely separate queries. Remember, every WP_Query is a new, complex query that will be sent to the WordPress database. WordPress posts are the blocks of content that make up a site’s blog articles, pages, media attachments, and more. This is especially true when you need to make changes to WordPress’s default queries, for pages like your blog index, archive, and search pages; that’s where pre_get_posts becomes indispensable. For now, I recommend doing a direct SELECT query to get a list of posts that match your 'exemple' search terms (you can use WP_Meta_Query to help build the SQL), and then pass the resulting IDs to post__in in your 'pre_get_posts' filter. Without these conditionals you could unintentionally be changing the query for custom loops in sidebars, footers, or elsewhere. Shouldn’t you be using add_action(), rather than add_filter() in your examples? In the page "search.php", I want to search "example" in post_title, content and custom field in all pages, posts and post-type. e.g. On the blog page of our agency site Press Up, that looks as follows: So pre_get_posts let us modify the blog index’s already existing default query, without us having to write a new WP_Query ourselves. Currently we can not find a word in a title in an title OR content OR in a custom field but only AND except between the title and content. In the previous section, I stretched my brain to find a case where you’d use pre_get_posts to modify a custom WP_Query. Be aware of the queries you are changing when using the pre_get_posts action. A WP_Query is a special type of query, unique to WordPress, that fetches posts from the WordPress database. pre_get_posts offers some solutions that are more performant than writing a custom WP_Query, and enables solutions to other problems that would be quite difficult otherwise. But this would require an extensive rewrite of WP_Query::get_posts(). For example, its recommended to use the the is_admin() conditional to not change queries in the admin screens.
If you need a simple way to list dynamic content on your site, … Remember, pre_get_posts lets you modify an existing query. I have a pie-in-the-sky idea that we should adopt the recursive syntax of WP_Meta_Query etc, so that you could nest query conditions and connect them with the relation of your choice, kinda like this: etc etc etc. ), remove the template’s default query processing, and then write your own custom WP_Query from scratch—is both brittle and way too much work. But this would require an extensive rewrite of WP_Query::get_posts(). Short answer: No, you can't do this. Check out the Codex for lots of other commonsense examples that relate to hiding a specific post from search results, modifying the categories that the blog index pulls in, and so on. Working with pre_get_posts is a very helpful tool to have in your pocket if you’re running into queries you can’t modify.
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