Sep 8, 2012 @ 3:35pm Also, it would make the Co-Op far to easy. Portal 2 Co-op Course 2 Chamber 4. Fire your portals on the panels facing the. You and your partner should now be able to enter in the last part of the chamber., Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). They were replaced by robots in order to create an in-universe reason for the characters respawning after death, [8] and making them the first playable robot characters in the Half-Life universe .

If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Portal 2. From the Portal Wiki. The chamber requires the players to use the flinging technique. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Hope my guide helps, please leave a rating dependant on how you thought this guide was, and leave a comment if you wish!
It is only visible to you. Maybe they wil have 4 player Co-op in Portal 3, but not Portal 2. This is the twenty-seventh level in Co-op mode of Portal 2 and the fourth level in the course. The only Funnel in the chamber needs to be used more than once and it needs to be redirected multiple times during the flow from one side of the chamber to the other. There is more than one way to buy this game. Read more about it in the, There are no more reviews that match the filters set above, Adjust the filters above to see other reviews. Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Day of Defeat: Source, Team Fortress Classic, Day of Defeat, Deathmatch Classic, Opposing Force, Ricochet, Half-Life, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 1: Source, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Portal, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Portal 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Team Fortress 2, Dota 2, The Lab.

Includes 22 items:

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While standing on the entrance, put a portal on the wall on the right of the entrance so that the Funnel flows to the main room with you and your partner in it.

Portal 2 draws from the award-winning formula of innovative gameplay, story, and music that earned the original Portal over 70 industry accolades and created a cult following. you would watch guides if you got stuck on a level and have no idea how to solve it. Please select a specific package to create a widget for: Enter up to 375 characters to add a description to your widget: Copy and paste the HTML below into your website to make the above widget appear.

© Valve Corporation. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines.

All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The single-player portion of Portal 2 introduces a cast of dynamic new characters, a host of fresh puzzle elements, and a much larger set of devious test chambers.

So i was thinking and chating whit me friend wen i realease that if you have a friend but is playing whit another friend you cannot play whit him why not steam make a 4 player co-op so you can play whit a ful of 4 player, if you like the idea can you give it a like or what ever so steam cant whatch it ans see if they make the 4 coop comment if you whant feel free. Filter reviews by the user's playtime when the review was written: When enabled, off-topic review activity will be filtered out. The highly anticipated sequel to 2007's Game of the Year, Portal 2 is a hilariously mind-bending adventure that challenges you to use wits over weaponry in a funhouse of diabolical science.

The "Perpetual Testing Initiative" has been expanded to allow you to design co-op puzzles for you and your friends! Welcome to our Co-op video walkthrough for Portal 2. The chamber requires the players to use the flinging technique.

Put the portal from the panels facing down to one of the panels and place the other portal to the on the panel next to it. Fire a portal on the wall where the Excursion Funnel ends and then place the other portal on the wall behind the Aerial Faith Plate. Co-Op gameplay information about Portal 2 on Xbox 360. Place your other portal on the opposite of the Beam receptacle, so that the beam can activate it. Please add a suitable image, then remove this notice. Find co-op news, reviews, and more info about this game. Our Portal 2 Walkthrough provides a walkthrough for story mode, tips for co-op, and unlockables.


Take the Redirection Cube and use it to align the Discouragement Beam to the portalable panel in the small room. Hello, and welcome to my Portal 2 Co-op Walkthrough. THERE'S NO GAME! This chamber requires some timing skills, since the players need to switch their portal placements in a short period of time and carry both of the players to the other side of the chamber in one funnel. This chamber is very simple and fast to solve.
Rendering that number of portals would rape your computer.

RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же! This is the twenty-seventh level in Co-op mode of Portal 2 and the fourth level in the course.

Go in the infinite loop and prepare to activate the two switches.

Hello, and welcome to my Portal 2 Co-op Walkthrough. Walk up the stairs and enter the disassembly area.


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