@Tyriar it did and I remember briefly using it. If you have a tmTheme file that you want to use for syntax highlighting, you can set this by opening up your theme file and editing the `tokenColors` variable to point to that file. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/theme-color-reference Would be a good place. Your publisher ID should be all lower-case. If the background theming it's only for the editing window this feature won't bother anything because If I enable one theme which doesn't leaves me to read correctly my code I will change it for the previous one, and I will delete it, full stop. @NetVicious there is a work around I found - you can just use text decorations. I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out how to change the background color of a multi-line comment.
If you are curious how that is implemented, let me know! It's better than creating another +1 post, By the way, "VSCode Dev Team" I'm begging you to implement it. Selection and selection matches highlight color, Implement Block-slots background color once VsCode adds Theme background support, [theming][editor] support selection foreground color, https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/theme-color-reference, Scope background color support for themes, editor.tokenColorCustomizations.textMateRules.settings.background not applied, [themes] Explore theming support for semantic colors, https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-extension-samples/tree/master/decorator-sample. Sql is blue and Groovy is red. Nice hack but official background color support would be better! Delete the generated JSON. However since nearly every other editor in existence supports background styling this can't be too hard. When you click on different colors in the window, you can get more details (including color formats) for each color in your palette: To start modifying your workbench settings in VS Code, open up Code and click File > Preferences > Settings. privacy statement. In the `workbench` settings, you can pick and choose different colors to use for each component of the editor, which I’ll break down further in this post If you look at the, Microsoft theme color reference documentation. I also found that if you keep the alpha of the background highlighting low (0.2 or 0.1) then it plays well with with VSCode's native use of background colors. The syntax highlighting for the sql and groovy contexts occurs in the tmLanguage.json file. it's used frequently across themes for invalid and deprecated scopes. During the last three years, I’ve had the chance of getting a free IntelliJ license thanks to Jetbrain’s awesome open source program… It's such a handy feature of tmThemes though to draw attention to important things. There are a LOT of background color interactions already, and it takes a bit of trial and error to figure out how they'll play together. kittaakos force-pushed the kittaakos:semantic-highlighting-proposal branch 5 times, most recently from c893bd7 to 04e0033 Jun 27, 2018 rcjsuen reviewed Jun 29, 2018 View changes Quick Fix: Deleting Resource Folders in Visual Stu... International Conference Preparation: I’m off to VivaTech 2018!
On sublime I had a theme that, on the same php file, had different color backgrounds for PHP, HTML and JS code. .tmTheme files allow specification of background colors which don't seem to be supported, for example: This is especially problematic for themes that attempt to invert background and use a similar foreground to the text view's background color (#2158). By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. You signed in with another tab or window.
Delete the generated JSON. Only the foreground (text) color. Microsoft recommends looking at Color Sublime to find some options, but you can definitely define your own right in the theme file if that’s your jam! I'd say we accept this as limitation and tell to better use themes that don't rely on background colors. I wanted to port my favorite emacs theme to Code and now I don't see the point. "list.activeSelectionBackground" : "#642F4D". de-activated code (VSCode already does this natively for C/C++ with a drop in opacity, but it would be great for other languages.
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