They also cover the ARY60U, ARY54U Single and AOY19/24F/U Multi Systems.

Discharge temperature 1 error. What does that mean? Press “Energy Save” & “Zone Control” buttons simultaneously for longer than 3 secs to return to normal operating mode.

4 reds and 2 green . This is the result of minute expansion and contraction of the front cover due to temperature changes. During Heating operation, if the room temperature rises above the thermostat setting, the outdoor unit will stop, and the indoor unit will operate at very low fan speed. to perform the self-diagnosis.

I’m getting a code of 7 red blinks and 5 green blinks but it’s not listed on the web site. During operation and immediately after stopping the unit, the sound of water flowing in the air conditioner’s piping may be heard. Fujitsu Trouble Shooting Guide Current Models Wall Mounted Single Systems ASY, ASYA & ASYB Includes AWYZ Nokria Models Red Light Operation Green Light Timer Current Models Off 2 Flashes Reverse Comms Fail at Startup Off 3 Flashes Reverse Comms Fail In Use Off 4 Flashes Forward Comms Fail at Startup Off 5 Flashes Forward Comms Fail In Use

After 2-3 hours of cool operation, and than it working very whic. Business Services. 64 bit drivers are available by request.

Middle temp.sensor error, Error = Outdoor unit main PCB model information error or communication error, Error = Active filter error, PFC circuit error, Error = Display PCB microcomputers communication error, Error = Outdoor unit Heat Ex. A3 error, Hello James I have just read your comments regarding your air conditioner and it seems that mine has the same fault 10 Green Flashes on the operation and 3 red flashes on the Timer with the economy flashing constantly, what was the outcome on your airconditioner. It isn’t throwing any visible codes, but now seems to only heat, not cool. Green Light Timer = 5 Flashes. 1.5 ton unit.

Comment:*document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a27badc76853ee251b4b03b0072eab6a" );document.getElementById("bf5cdb2ee8").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How can i fix it thank you. Red Light Operation = 7 Flashes. Are the Remote Control Unit’s batteries dead? In the case of Cooling operation, is a window allowing bright sun- light to enter?

Any information would be a great help. Any help please. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Error contents = Communication error (indoor unit to remote controller), Error contents = Communication error (indoor unit to outdoor unit), Error contents = Room temperature sensor open, Error contents = Room temperature sensor short-circuited, Error contents = Indoor heat exchanger temperature sensor open, Error contents = Indoor heat exchanger temperature sensor shortcircuited, Error contents = Outdoor heat exchanger temperature sensor open, Error contents = Outdoor heat exchanger temperature sensor shortcircuit, Error contents = Power source connection error, Error contents = Outdoor temperature sensor open, Error contents = Outdoor temperature sensor short-circuited, Error contents = Discharge pipe temperature sensor open, Error contents = Discharge pipe temperature sensor short-circuited, Error contents = Outdoor high pressure abnormal, Error contents = Discharge pipe temperature abnormal, When the outdoor temperature drops, the outdoor units fans may switch, ERROR : HEAT & COOL MODEL (REVERSE CYCLE) ONLY.

September 17, 2020 Reply Added adjustable INI file to increase content sensitivity for blank page selection. If you use a wired type remote controller, error codes will appear on the remote controller display. Symptom: Water is produced from the outdoor unit.


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