AlternativeTo is a free service that helps you find better alternatives to the products you love and hate. In this plugin, you will find many field types like loop, text, tab, hyperlink, & more. New: moved CFS into “Settings” menu Custom Field Suite allows you to browse the “Field Groups” admin menu. With CFS, creating and managing custom fields is easy, thanks to our clean and intuitive admin UI. Threads pointing this out are closed withe no response. Search for: Submit Toggle Menu. Custom Field Suite allows you to easily add groups of custom fields to your posts and pages with several different types to choose from (text, date picker, users and more). Improved: relationship fields now only run 1 query to retrieve related posts

Thank you to the translators for their contributions. Fantastic plugin for adding custom fields!

With CFS, creating and managing custom fields is easy, thanks to our clean and intuitive admin UI. You can limit groups by Post Types, Individual Posts, User Roles, Taxonomy Terms and more.

Then, you can add your first field by clicking the “Add New Field” button. It allows to define custom post types, custom taxonomy and custom fields. Below the main content editor (or in the sidebar) you will see a list of the fields that you have set up. First, give your field group a title. The site is made by Ola and Markus in Sweden, with a lot of help from our friends and colleagues in Italy, Finland, USA, Colombia, Philippines, France and contributors from all over the world. Create a Field Group containing one or more custom fields, Choose where the Field Group should appear, using the Placement Rules box, Fix: prevent possible XSS for logged-in editors or admins (props, New: ability to filter IDs before deleting associated meta (props @chrisvanpatten), Fix: nested loops count validation (props @felipeelia), Fix: PHP 7.1+ compatibility in api.php (props @adrianwaler), Fix: ensure that $rules and $extras are arrays.

It will allow you to add custom field values to your posts and pages, and then output them anywhere in your template files. Tidy Repo. “Custom Field Suite” has been translated into 1 locale. So, if you do choose to use it, make sure to include some sort of authentication or validation before showing the forms, so that every user doesn’t see it.

The last section is “Extras” where you can define the order you want the group to appear compared to other field groups you’ll create and choose whether it should appear below the post editor or in the sidebar. Learn more about outdated plugins. Most are fairly self-explanatory.

Now, just visit the Post Editor of any post or page where you chose to place the field group. Tidy Repo is a curated list of the best and most functional WordPress plugins from the repository and around the web. Plugin and framework for adding custom fields and custom content types to WordPress. About

Advanced Custom Fields was one of the first plugins I ever reviewed on this site. Users will be able to add multiple instances of this container, for anything you need to repeat (like a gallery).


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